Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My Least Favorite Three Words Right Now...

...are "He is crying," said by none other than my very own Captain Obvious, Davis.

Let me explain. At Tripp's two month checkup, our pediatrician told me he can sleep eight continuous hours now. The good doctor told me when he wakes up before his eight hours to let him cry for about fifteen minutes to let him go back to sleep on his own.

In an earlier post, you might've read my bragging about how he was sleeping his eight hours, and most nights, he has. However, the last two nights, he has awakened, crying at 5 AM (an hour early). I have let him cry for his 15 or so (okay, I admit, I usually cave at 10) minutes, then I travel up the stairs (worst floor plan ever by the way for a newborn) and stick his blessed paci in his mouth.

The 15 (or 10) minutes he cries is excruciating for me for several reasons. One, I hate seeing my baby upset. Two, I'd rather be sleeping. And three, let's face it, "crying baby" noise is really pretty annoying. And I must say, I am a pretty considerate wife. When Tripp starts crying, I always turn the volume down on the baby monitor. Trust me, if there was a mute button, I'd have hit it already.

So anyway, last night, oh, about eight minutes in to Tripp's 5 AM cry-athon, Davis tells me, "He is crying." Seriously, honey? I'm well aware. In fact, I'm watching the baby monitor intently, crossing my fingers that he drifts back off to dreamland (what do babies dream about anyway?). In two minutes, I will be walking back up those stairs to his nursery, where I will put his paci back in and turn his mobile back on and hope he sleeps for one whole hour more, so I can sleep for one more hour more. (And in case you were wondering, he didn't sleep in his crib. Finally, I held him and rocked him in the dark until 6, when I fed him.)

I feel the need here to provide the following disclaimer: I have a great husband and Tripp has an amazing father. Davis loves spending time with him and often takes over in the late afternoons/early evenings, so I can run errands solo or jog around the neighborhood. Tripp and I are both very lucky. With that said, he can be annoying in the wee hours of the morning. :)

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