Saturday, August 4, 2012

Patience is a Virtue {or so they say}

"Adopt the pace of nature:  her secret is patience." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I am not a patient person, to put it mildly.  This whole pregnancy flew by....until about three weeks ago.  Since then, we're moving at a snail's pace.  I am at the point where I don't feel like my little boy is ever coming out to meet us.  Apparently, he likes chillin in my belly and ice cream....and making his knee push my skin out.  That's seriously a little wierd.  I feel like I've been possessed, like in those horror movies I enjoy so much.  I'm being a little dramatic, but then again, I'm in a very dramatic mood as of late.

So, anyhow, while I wait on Tripp to make his grand entrance into the world, I've tried to get projects done.  Since we moved fairly recently, there is no shortage of things to be done.  

Painting the fireplace in the living room has been on the to do list since we moved in, but I had to wait until we had someone clean out our chimneys and evict the colony of birds who had taken up residence there.  Davis had someone come take care of the job this week, so I decided the "Project of the Week" would be to paint the fireplace.  

Here is a shot of the ugly gold glass screen:

Apparently, folks in the 80's loved some gold hardware.
I took a whole slew of "before" pics when we moved in, but when my phone took a swim in the washing machine, I lost them all.

Here is the fireplace in its original red bricked splendor:

Prior to diving into the project, I did my research.  I found a tutorial and deemed the job easy enough.  Apparently, there needs to be a warning label that reads:  "If you are very, very, VERY pregnant, this job may prove to be extremely frustrating and may result in a complete breakdown."  Because that is EXACTLY what happened.  Poor Davis, he comes in the living room, and I have painted maybe five percent of the fireplace and had gotten paint on the wall and completely. broke. down.  I got super overwhelmed.  I think hormones were partly to blame.  Maybe.  So, anyway, Husband to the rescue.  He calls in assistance from his mother, and together, they painted the entire thing.  I helped a little bit.

LuLu didn't help at all.

This morning, Dear Husband finished the job.  


Love my chevron painting by Ashley Buse!

Now we need a screen and fireplace tools (or whatever you call them).  

Because he saved the day, I rewarded him with a night out with the boys, which probably means I'll go into labor tonight...  Ha!  

Continuing to wait and trying to do so patiently...

1 comment:

  1. It looks great!!! Yay Davis for being a good helper ;) and yay for you giving him a reward! Hehe
