Saturday, August 27, 2011

Watch Where You Throw the Duck

"The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself also." - Samuel Butler

Happy Levi!

I have to say LuLu (the Maltese) must've been a Labrador in a past life.  That dog can retrieve.  Seriously.  I know Davis and I throw her stuffed toys at least 30 minutes out of every day.  So, needless to say when our Labrador Retriever (you remember Levi, right?) was not inclined to fetching, we found it a teeny bit ironic.  (If our life were a movie, that Alanis Morissette song from the 90's would be playing.)

Well, low and behold, when we picked Levi up from charm school, we learned that's his new favorite thing to do!!  

Meet Ducky!  He was a gift from Grandma D-D :)

So, obviously we are proud of Levi for living up to his "name."  Anyway, so, this afternoon, I decided to throw Ducky in the backyard for Levi.  Everything was going splendidly.  He was excited and loving life.  Fast forward about 8 throws.  So, I hurl Ducky to the very back of the yard.  Happily, Levi gallops like a horse to the back to retrieve and bounds back to me, Ducky in mouth.  For a few seconds, we play a little game of tug-of-war.  About the time I hold Ducky in my possession, I smell something foul.  I threw Ducky once more for Levi; then, I looked down at my hand.  Guess where Ducky landed?  Yep, in decently fresh Levi droppings.  Ewwwwwwwwwwwww.  I seriously almost threw up.

Levi's Doppelganger

The adventures with Levi never, ever seem to end.  Have I mentioned he has dug a tunnel from underneath the A/C unit to a few feet under our house?  That's our boy.

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! I would have freaked out. Poor Levi can't seem to catch a break ;)
