Monday, September 17, 2012

You're Really Not That Busy

So, I recently saw this on Pinterest, and it really got me thinking.  Why is "I'm so busy" grounds for bragging rights?  

My daddy has also been on my mind a lot lately.

Naturally, these two trains of thought collided.  I was reminded of how I would call Daddy, and he'd say "Well, it's about time you called me back," or he would leave me a voice message, reminding me of how I was supposed to call him when I got home.  I would explain away how incredibly busy I was with Davis, lesson plans, the dogs, or whatever else was going on in my life.  But the truth of the matter is I wasn't too busy.  

We all have time for what we make time for.  I'm not saying I didn't have a lot going on because I'm sure I did.  I'm also not saying I was blatantly lying to Daddy.  I'm sure I thought I was too busy to call him.  But now that I can't get him on the phone, I see things with great clarity.  Now that I realize just what I would give to talk to him, I know that I wasn't busy at all.

Call your daddy.  And call your momma and your brother and sister and best friend and tell everyone you love how much you love them.  You're not too busy.  Sadly, one day you may not get the opportunity and no matter how long your to do list is, all you'll think about is how much you'd like to call them.  Stop the glorification of busy.

1 comment:

  1. I remind Ryan of this all the are only busy with what you make your life about so choose wisely who you spend time with/on :) Love you!!
